Thursday, March 24, 2011

{Blog # 3} Theroux's "The Male Myth"

In Theroux reading he clearly doesn't like the disadvantages that comes with being a man. I don't agree with the fact that men have to prove themselves to everyone. I think the only thing that should matter is if the man thinks he is manly enough. Everyone has high expectations of how men are to act and carry themselves especially women. Women are always challenging men to be more masculine. Men will always feel the need to prove themselves but in the end they don't need to prove anything to anyone.


  1. You make a wonderful observation about the role women play in men's masculinity. This is something Theroux mentions but only in the paragraph on children. Look at that section of the reading and develop your post.

  2. I agree with you. I feel a man only needs to prove himself worthy to his own self. No one else's opinion should matter. When a man has confidence in himself that should be enough proof for everyone to see that he is "a man".
